A designer named Van painted a pair of Nike Air Force Ones in honor of Senator Barack Obama. These shoes were created following Obama’s success on Super Tuesday and use the campaign’s color scheme and imagery to great effect.
There are two images depicting Senator Obama in states of action and inaction. You can see Obama gesturing while speaking in the image above. The outside half of the right shoe is not pictured here but features an image of the Illinois senator listening to an imaginary speaker. I am impressed by the clarity of these pictures considering the difficult black and white details of the original images.
I am less impressed with the paint job on the rest of the shoe. The red/white/blue symbol on the back heel as well as the words “Obama 08″ look like they were painted hastily. The toe box design leaves something to be desired compared to the intricate details of Obama’s image.
I can forgive these problems because the centerpiece of these Air Force Ones is Barack Obama instead of View More Photos/Info
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