These custom Air Force Ones form the first part of a two-part series of shoes inspired by Anfernee “Penny” Hardaway. The designer dubbed Emmanuelabor posted these pictures on Nike Talk recently to showcase work that took several years to complete. The initial inspiration took place in the midst of Hardaway’s successful career as a guard for the Orlando Magic.
Emmanuelabor recognized that the Pennies from Heaven theme was a bit on the nose to celebrate Hardaway’s career. This self-awareness led the designer to approach these Air Force Ones with great care. The all-white shoes were given dark copper paint to create the look of a standard penny. The Nike symbols are filled in with images of pennies which must have taken a long time for the designer to complete.
I will post the other part of Emmanuelabor’s Penny series soon. The Pennies from Heaven Nikes are outstanding in terms of intricacy and originality. The designer knocked the simple idea of honoring View More Photos/Info
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