Pacman, that ancient hero of our childhood, that scion of fun, that master of joy. And Nike, the home of master designers, and lords of the sneaker world. In this superb work of art, these two venerable legends unite forces to create a pair of sneaker that has the power catapulting the earth out of its orbit around the Sun towards the never explored reaches of outer space.
This pair is beyond magnificent, it is unimaginable, undesribable. That masterpiece of electronic entertainment, and the symbol of creativity in footwear are now together in a work of art that has never been paralleled, and will never be surpassed in the entire of history of mankind. Even if humanity evolves into some completely unrecognizable form in the future, even if our decendants conquer galaxies and stars with their wisdom, even if all the secrets of mankind are revealed to science, this pairwill forever be remembered as the greatest achievement of mankind for its fun and bold conception. Designing this pair View More Photos/Info
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