Nike Air Hoop Structure – OG Air Structure Triax 91 Colorway – Holiday ‘09
Nerds, geniuses, sneakerheads, blockheads, champions and cowards, heroes and paupers, Martians and Bushmen. What do all these have in common? What is the common denominator that brings these various groups of beings together in ecstacy and euphoria?
It is the name Hoop, the name of Nike that brings these diverse crowds together in madness and craze at the insuperable supremacy of the majesty of the master designers. It is the wonderful power of these shoes, theitems eof excellence that is turning the heads, snapping the necks, bursting the lungs of priceless sneakerheads in a tragedy that would create a storm in a spoon. But the spoon is bigger than the galaxy, after being filled with the tears of millions of sneakerheads, so don’t be surprised.
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