These boots were made famous when rapper Kanye West wore them in his music videos. They have front openings which are fastened by velcro. This facilitates wearing of the boots. The velcro allows the adjustment for a tight or loose fitting. These boots come in only two exclusive colors of black and white. The shiny finish accentuates their impact as classic boots.
I think this collection of boots will win more fans for boots. Due to its design of the front openings, it appears to be like a pair of sneakers.The high cutting at the ankles is the trademark of boots. The boots protect the heels and ankles while maintaining flexibility. The front openings allow some scope in the capacity of the boots to bend at the front.
The leather boots comprise of patent leather and regular premium leather.These boots are slated to be released for sale in the U.S. and Europe in Jan. 2008. However, Oki-Ni will accept pre-orders.
The boots look dandy for dancing. They would look great with black and white color co-ordinates. I would suggest black boots for white bottoms and vice versa. The shiny texture delivers impact and the wearer has to be careful that the boots don’t steal the show entirely.
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