Nike will release a new Safari themed sneakers, as part of their Tech Pack. These might be available at Sneaker Freaker soon.
This sneaker has a toe box that is in dark green suede. This toe area is skirted by a border of leather with light green safari bubble. The middle section has a thicker, different quality of suede. This suede looks to be a richer quality. The Nike swoosh is in rough leather. The heel has another panel of the light green safari bubble. This design begins with the safari bubbles and ends at the heel with the safari bubble again. It shows that this pattern has been well thought of. The middle portion of the shoe is deliberately left plain in suede to draw attention to the brighter areas in safari bubble.
Between these two pairs of sneakers, I prefer the second pair. This picture is after the jump. Although the combination of colors is toned down, I like it as it has a more congenial look. The grey/black/blue/orange/white combo looks good. I like the sky blue inner lining too. Blue has a calming effect, according to psychologists. The orange shoelace matches with the orange color of the Nike swoosh. The bottom most sole has alternating colors of grey and orange in its treads.

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