The custom Nike high tops shown above are referred to as “Starr” by designer Pats83. These shoes feature sparing touches meant to accentuate the brief colorful sections set against black leather. There are two red stripes that cut underneath the gold Nike swooshes which stand out well against the midnight background.
The major problem that I have with the Starr customs is the olive green paint applied to the heel. It doesn’t seem to fit well with the overall design offered by Pats83 considering the gold eyelets and lettering on the front. A section of red paint on the heel would have matched the two stripes and set off the gold Swooshes as they rounded the heel. Check out more work from Pats83 from the designer’s website linked

You probably know Lacoste more for their shirts than their shoes, but this new sneaker is worth a look.
The Lacoste Ibiza Two Two is a very subtle shoe that is ideal for summer time. It comes in four colorways – Green, Blue, Grey and Sand.
I really like the green version pictured above, which uses both a medium and a light green. However the other combinations are all pretty nice as well. The grey version, which also uses a black toe and pink details, is very appealing.
You can get these shoes at

Another Triple Threat pack is being released from New Balance. This collaboration between Stussy, Hectic, UNDFTD and New Balance features three colorways of the New Balance MT580. This set of shoes features bright, strong colors in glossy patent leather and other materials.
These shoes will be released this Saturday, April 26th at Undefeated Japan.If you are looking for a bold shoe that will really make a statement, these are definitely a great choice. Via

It’s not May yet but you can grab these Cinco de Mayo sneakers now at
Celebrate Cinco de Mayo with this new Nike Vandal Low. The white leather sneaker is accented by brown trim and a print design at the heel. But the highlight of these shoes is the red and green strap that uses the traditional colors of the Mexican flag.
Cinco de Mayo (5th of May) celebrations commemorate the Mexican Army’s defeat of the invading French at the Battle of Puebla on May 5, 1861. Whether you are of Mexican heritage or not, these sneakers are a nice looking choice. These are quickstrike model, so get them while you can. Via
580 ROUTE 112 , SUITE 17

The Nike Dunk Rivalry pack is ready. It has the Orangemen Dunk, Heel Dunk and Hoyas Dunk. These Dunks are for Syracuse University, North Carolina and Georgetown respectively. These Dunks are reserved for sale to the students of the universities.
The Heel Dunk has a dark bue leather toe box. The accents are in light blue leather. The Nike swoosh is in white leather. The midsection is a dense material composite. The texture of the material forms a part of the design of the shoe. The word Heels is printed in big letters at the heel of the sneaker.
The Orangemen Dunk is the most brightly colored of the 3 Dunks.The bright orange also made the leather look shiny.
The Hoyas Dunk has a high ankle. The colors are neutral. The toe box and colorway are in light grey. The accents are in black. The Hoyas name is printed in big letters at the heel of the shoe.
These three Dunks have the same basic design. Their colors are different. The Hoyas and Heels are compared together in the first picture because they share many similarities. They also have the small hanger hook at the back stab, while the Orangemen Dunk does not have this.

A designer posted these Air Stabs on Nike Talk and stated that he picked up the pair for $15. This bargain apparently struck the designer’s artistic side and caused him to make these Nike low-tops his own. You can see in the picture above that the veins of black paint applied to the shoes stand out well from the gray leather.
There were comments on Nike Talk that the designer was crazy to ruin a $15 pair of Nike Air Stabs with black paint. I think the shoe is okay in its present state though it seems to be an initial stage of the customization process. A pair of black laces replaced the white laces in an effort to complete the effect. An additional layer of paint applied to the Nike swooshes as well as another touch-up of the black veins would help this shoe turn from a bargain into a high-priced custom.
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