Reeboks on, he’s just doing it. Community Collections swings through Atlanta to put the spotlight on one of the biggest Reebok enthusiasts out there. Jay Envy is a sneaker stocker who was a huge fan of Allen Iverson, and has now let his love for the lifetime RBK representative shape his entire kick collection. Originally hooked on the Reebok Question in 1996, of course, this community member got back into the game when the brand began to retro the originals. Now Envy has expanded his range across the entire brand, from other Shaq and Shawn Kemp retros, to Reebok Originals, with a few other memorable brands from his childhood mixed in.
Stream through the following pages to see highlights and commentary on Jay’s entire sneaker stash, including his his Most Rare Pair and Most Frequent Wear. Drop a line on what you think of his collection in the comment section at the bottom of the page, and keep Nice Kicks bookmarked for everything sneakers.

Name: Jay Envy
Instagram: @jayenvy
City: Atlanta, GA
Started: 2005
Size: 9.5
Collection Summary:
“To make a long story short, growing up my parents could only afford Payless shoes with whatever knockoffs they had. Skip a couple of decades and now that I can afford buying most of whatever sneakers I like, I try to get all the pairs I couldn’t get as a kid. That lasted a couple of years and I started getting into collecting designer toys, so my shoe collection took a backseat for a long while. I found my way back into the sneaker culture again when Reebok started to retro some of the original colorways for the first Reebok Question. Being a huge Allen Iverson fan, I was just going to cop Questions and Reebok Answers only. Over a period of time, I caught the bug and started to buy other silhouettes from Reebok as well, which eventually ballooned to where I am now. When I first got onto Instagram, you couldn’t find three other people that were avid Reebok fans. A couple of years later, there are a handful amount of us now, so shout out to @teamreebok1895!”

Read the rest of Community Collections: Jay Envy (544 words)
© Jordan Howenstine for NiceKicks.com, 2014. |
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