Just want to buy a pair of Sneakers by Celebrity: Who Represents the Best? right now? Sneakers by Celebrity: Who Represents the Best?.
The Air Jordan Silver model can only be priced at $60,000 because of the name attached to it: Jordan. Celebrity endorsement deals are often a reflection of a celebrity’s popularity and power, which means the shoes they hawk are correlated to their own importance.
Which celebrities have the best endorsement deals, and sell the coolest kicks on the market? Here’s a list of celeb shoes so that you can decide.
CLAIM TO FAME: White Rapper
SHOE: Air Jordan 2’s Eminem 313
COST: $990.00
Air Jordan is a powerhouse of style on its own, but when you add an artist who’s as hot as he is controversial, you have a shoe hordes of people will hit the stores to buy. Named for Eminem’s childhood area code in Detroit, only 313 pairs of the 313 were sold.
2.Jordan Todman
SHOE: Creative Reaction
COST: $75.00
Creative Reaction is the dark horse of sneakers, surreptitiously planting ads as powerful as those crafted by Zappos.com, the acknowledged leader in shoe marketing. Celebrities like Kanye West and Robert Downey Jr. have even started wearing these shoes without endorsements; they just like them. That’s why Jordan Todmanis lucky to endorse these shoes.
3. Brook Burke & Kim Kardashian
CLAIM TO FAME: Dancing with the Stars, Reality TV
BRAND: Sketchers Shape-Ups
COST: $99.00
While Brook Burke may be shapely herself, studies have found that the shoes do not help women to shape-up, as claimed. In fact, the Federal Trade Commission hit the shoes with a $40 million dollar lawsuit, ordering Sketchers to re-pay customers for false hopes.
Think Sketchers is wasting time repenting and designing something new? No; they simply hired an even more shapely celebrity (Kardashian) to move their libelous claims from print to the less litigious subconscious.
4. Kobe Bryant
SHOE: Nike’s Kobe Zoom V
COST: $125
Only a man of infamy could fill these shoes, which seethe with sexuality and a Ronald McDonald-like color coordination. Kobe Bryant is one of few celebrities whose shoe line continues to do well year after year, and in spite of his public relations foibles.
5. LeBron James
BRAND: Nike’s LeBron 9 PS Elite Maize
COST: $129.99
The battle between Kobe and LeBron for Nike sneaker preeminence has been raging for a while, and while a winner hasn’t been named, fans like the one-upmanship. LeBron’s shoes are a bit more unique than any other line Nike sells, in that they all tend to be breathable fabric, even at the expense of design and styling. This is the one feature that out-does Kobe shoes every time.
6. Michael Jordan
SHOE: Air Jordan III
COST: $4,500
This shoe came in a collection of 1,000 pairs, and is known as the first pair with the Nike Air logo. It is reportedly Michael Jordan’s favorite shoe to date.
From the first Air Jordan sneaker that was responsible for a generation of young men getting jumped for their shoes, to the modern sneakers that are coated in gold, this site tells Air Jordans’ storied rise to the most famous shoes in the world.
7. Kelly Brook
CLAIM TO FAME: Playboy Model, Actress
SHOE: Reebok’s Easytones
COST: $60
(Tamer option)
Reebok has tried hard to refresh its image, targeting a younger audience than the old Reebok-no-sock crowd. They signed the hot young actress (and Playboy model) Kelly Brook to show off a steamier side of sneakers.Whether the shoe is propelling the actress’ career, or vice versa, doesn’t seem to matter—the pair is getting more publicity than either one could alone.
While several young celebrities have landed excellent endorsement deals for leading sneaker brands, Michael Jordan remains the most successful name in shoes. His Air Jordan line has made Nike more money than all of the upstart NBA players, combined.
However, research has proven that women spend more money than men on vanity purchases, so Jordan could lose shoe dominance as more and more ladies buy-up Brook’s fantasy line of Reeboks, and fitness sneakers like Shape-Ups.
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