Just want to buy a pair of Nike Twitter Campaign Banned in the U.K. right now? Nike Twitter Campaign Banned in the U.K..

Kim Kardashian and other Twitter celebrity brand endorsers better thank their luck that they’re doing it on American soil, because the United Kingdom has a strict rule on advertising and it’s not too friendly for Twitter-use.
Footballers Wayne Rooney and Jack Wilshere tweeted via their personal Twitter accounts about Nike’s ads without telling the public that their tweets were ads, and according to the advertising watchdog this is not playing by the rule. This caused Nike to be the first UK company to have its Twitter campaign banned.
The shoe giant inked deals with the Manchester United and Arsenal footlballers and ran its Twitter campaign under the Make It Count slogan. Rooney tweeted to his 4.37 million followers:
“My resolution — to start the year as a champion, and finish it as a champion…#makeitcount gonike.me/makeitcount”.
While Wilshere also tweeted:
“In 2012, I will come back for my club — and be ready for my country.#makeitcount.gonike.me/Makeitcount”.
Although The Advertising Standards Authority said it’s not adhering to the rules, Nike defended itself saying both footlballers have been known as people who endorse the brand and that their Twitter followers would not be misled about the relationship between Nike and the footlballers.
Nike also pointed out that the web address in the tweet was clearly referring to Nike’s website and carried the brand’s strapline which separates the players’ own tweets and ads.
However, the ASA said:
“We considered that the Nike reference was not prominent and could be missed. We considered there was nothing obvious in the tweets to indicate they were Nike marketing communications. In the absence of such an indication, for example #ad, we considered the tweets were not obviously identifiable as Nike marketing communications and therefore concluded they breached the [advertising] code. The ads must no longer appear. We told Nike to ensure that its advertising was obviously identifiable as such”.
So, Americans, do you really mind if your favorite athlete sends out advertising tweets? Discuss!
Purchase your own pair of Nike Twitter Campaign Banned in the U.K. right now!

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