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March, 2011 - AllTheHotKicks.com - Page 29

  • Adidas Originals Resplit Low – Bluebird – Black – White for everyone
    By on March 19th, 2011 | No Comments Comments

    Adidas Originals Resplit Low – Bluebird – Black – WhiteAlong with manufacturing sports shoe on large scale adidas took initiative to manufacture the casual sneaker shoes for everyone in different models and design especially for the youths of the present day. This brand is no behind in the trade and is quite healthy in shoe business world wide. One can blindly faith this brand and it does not give any ground for any complain or dissatisfaction among the customers. For past many years this has been very demanding brand and its most of the shoes are exported globally just because of being of good material and fabulous design. Recently it introduced its some different kinds of sneakers for the youths who love to walk with modern ideas and want to follow or create fashion of their own.

    In its category it launched adidas Originals Resplit Low – Bluebird – Black – White with different colors with same design and style. The bluebird shoes are no less than any real blue bird.The drastic thing about this adidas Originals Resplit Low – Bluebird – Black – White is that it is sneaker kind of shoe with completely different feature and colors which has not been found in any other brand. For the casual wear especially for the female youths this shoe is up to the mark. The bottom of this shoe is of white color with name and logo at the side below near the ankle which is not so obvious. The light blue is being combined with dark blue and this is charm putting aspect in shoe.

  • Vans Spring 2011 Canvas Collection for the youths
    By on March 19th, 2011 | No Comments Comments

    Vans Spring 2011 Canvas Collection

    A van is supposed to be one of the best manufacturers in the shoe trade. Recently it announced some of the sections in its Vans Spring 2011 Canvas Collection. These collections are available in lot of colors and design just to allure the youths who are much concerned with the shoes with their outfit. This brand cares the desire and expectations of present generation and thus it always tries to confer some better to the youths. These van shoes are made of canvas and slight leather at the bottom. Some of its colors are pallor and thus the color and design makes firm reason for the purchase of the shoe. The blue and white combination of the shoe is superb.

    The canvases used in these collections are of fine quality and some effects are being putted to the magnificent look of the shoe.This Vans Spring 2011 Canvas Collection has strong bottom which is referred as sole of the shoe. The sole in most of the shoe is of white color because the upper part is of dark color so to make it something drastic white color has been used at the bottom. It can very well suit to bell bottom trousers or with the denim jeans. The back part of the shoe is slight long. The eyelets are beautifully imbibed and the lace camflauge with the mudguard and eyelets. On the sole thin line has been designed so that it creates amazing look to the lower part. The inner part is much comfortable and it gives soothing effect to the feat.

  • Nike Sky Force ’88 VNTG – White – Varsity Red | Available for the sportsman
    By on March 19th, 2011 | No Comments Comments

    Nike Sky Force ’88 VNTG – White – Varsity Red

    Nike has been the leader in the trade of shoe manufacturing. It keeps on launching some or the other style every year. As this brand is considered to be one of the most reliable and renowned brand in the shoe category and thus it is not easy for other shoe makers to give them fight in this trade. Just few days ago it launched its Nike Sky Force ’88 VNTG – White – Varsity Red | Available shoe for the people who have taken sports as profession. These shoes are mostly used by the basketball players as in United States children are fond of this game and they take it as profession like one of the Nike brand ambassador Michael Jordan. This shoe is being combined with two colors and that is red and white.

    This Nike Sky Force ’88 VNTG – White – Varsity Red | Available is being made of rich quality of leather that is used especially for the sports shoes. The shoe is slight long from the back as it sustain the entire leg and thus at the time of continuous running in the game player can avoid sudden cramps or jerks. The bottom of this shoe is average thick and the sole is flexible and durable for the basketball surface. The Nike logo in red color is another charm putting aspect in this shoe. The lace of this shoe is of white color and this idea is superb for the fine appearance of the shoe. The inner part is imbibed with cushion and thus it helps to feel comfort at the time of performance.

  • Nike Blazer Mid AB Canvas TZ – Three Colorways Available for the shoe modern shoe wearers
    By on March 19th, 2011 | No Comments Comments

    Nike Blazer Mid AB Canvas TZ – Three Colorways

    Nike covers most of the desires and need of the people who are slight concern with the shoe. For some people it is more than the symbol of civilization because some of them use to represent them by drastic kind of shoes. If the shoe is best then one may not be ignored and will definitely get a special kind of consideration. Feat decides the foot of consideration. Nike designs the shoe with the motive of making the views speechless and for the remarkable appearance. In the current year it brought it one of the special kinds of shoe known as Nike Blazer Mid AB Canvas TZ – Three Colorways Available in three different models.These shoes have lot of grounds which will definitely compel the viewers especially the youths to buy it at any cost.

    These are canvas boots featured shoes for the casual wear.It most of the aspects are so beautifully imbibed that they make it drastic from all the corners.These models of Nike Blazer Mid AB Canvas TZ – Three Colorways Available shoes are for the youths who want something in macho form especially the males. The blue color with white combination really perplexes the viewers just because of its unique shape and design. In this there is wide stripe which differentiates the colors used in this shoe. The lace is also of white and blue color. The long eyelets imbibed consecutively gives fabulous look to the shoe. The front part is of white color and the bottom is of white color. The sole of the shoe is drastically designed.

  • Gourmet The 35 – Available for the people consistent with shoes
    By on March 19th, 2011 | No Comments Comments

    Gourmet The 35 – Available

    Another very different and fabulous kind of shoe is the Gourmet The 35 – Available for multipurpose. This has been launched in many colors. It has been inspired slightly from the Jordan shoes. This model is available in two different colors. The common thing in both the section is the bottom of the shoe and that is of white color. Excellent kind of leather is being used in both the models. In both the models only color is the differentiating aspect whereas most of the things are same and identical. The design is very much close to each other with the quality of leather and many more except the color. There are two models one is of light brown shade while the other is of black color.

    The brown one is also best and can be bought for the purpose of sports or for casual wear. The black one is also for the same purpose.In this Gourmet The 35 – Available net has been used to confer the ventilator to the feat so that the sweating is avoided so as to make the feat free from infection. In the brown shade light green color has also been used and this really put calm and quiet charm to the shoe appearance. The bottom of the shoe is quite thick and this makes feel the trampoline pleasure at the time of running or jumping. The quality of leather is very rich and the inner part is also imbibed with comfort and durability. In overall this shoe is best for everyone.

  • Vans Zero – Spring 2011 Colorways | Available for the present generation youths
    By on March 19th, 2011 | No Comments Comments

    Vans Zero – Spring 2011 ColorwaysVan has been the new comer in the shoe trade but still with some of its best shoes it became gossip matter among the shoe lovers. This is being combined or we can say a joint venture of designer Luke Meier and vans syndicate. This brand is gradually making prominent place in the heart of shoe loves and in stores.  It announced Vans Zero – Spring 2011 Colorways | Available shoes for the spring of 2011 and youths can go crazy for this shoe as in the section of sneaker shoe this is the brand that can suit most with their any kind of outfit. For the purpose of college going where there is no dress code this is suppose to be the best shoe and like this they can make well use of it.

    Basically there are three different colors available in this shoe with identical shape and design. The blue color appears to be like fish with four eyelets at each side sees to be the eye of fish. More than shoe it looks like fish.The stitching is so perfect that it makes speechless. The bottom of the shoe is of white color with rubber sole. This kind of sole in Vans Zero – Spring 2011 Colorways | Available gives firm base to the shoe as it is comfortable from all the corners. The upper part or the mudguard part is of blue color and it beautifully synchronizes with white base. This shoe is made of canvas and can be easily cleaned at home in normal detergent. In the blue model the lace is of white color which puts special effects in the shoe.