This Nike shoe was designed out of the inspiration from the Gibson guitar case. The pink furry outline for the edge comes from the imitation of the case which uses furry material. It would be available at Nike SB.
This Dunk Lo SB has bright pink shoe laces and a thick pink furry lining around the edge of the sneaker. The tongue has its outline in pink. The inner sole has some pink accents too. At first glance, this looks like a woman’s shoe because of the use of pink materials. However, if the user is also wearing long pants, the edge of the pants would fall over the shoe laces and upper edge of the shoe and the pink colors would be obscured. Moreover, a person can change the color of the pink shoe laces. The brown leather is a smooth quality and would season well. It is a nice, standard shoe and would be worth the effort to change the shoe laces to give it a different look.
There are at least two different types / qualities of leather here. The panel at the back of the heel looks to be from a different quality of brown leather. The Nike swoosh is also made from a different color, using a beige color.
I like the idea of using the standard brown for the entire shoe. It will go down well with color coordinating for clothing.

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